The independent action group for current and ex Equitable Life policyholders, funded by contributions.

Equitable Members Action Group

Equitable Members Action Group Limited, a company limited by guarantee, number 5471535 registered in the UK


9 April '03 - Minutes of the 28th committee meeting of EMAG committee

Held at: RAC Clubhouse, Wed

Committee members present: Alex Henney (Chairman), Colin Slater, Paul Braithwaite, Tom Lake, Rodney Allen, Betty McCann, Leslie Seymour
EMAG members: Andrew Pike, Mike Neal, Chris Carnaghan
Apologies: Gabrielle de Pauw, Jeremy Lever, John Newman, Oliver Parsons

1. Treasurer summarised the March report, which had been circulated in advance, and committee members signed off. She reported unfettered funds available currently in excess of £40,000. Committee agreed to mail out to members in early May a report of annual expenditure, with invitations to renew subscriptions but EMAG's annual meeting to be deferred until immediately post Lord Penrose Inquiry report published, or late October.

2. Andrew Pike of Morgan Cole led a confidential, extensive discussion on his draft reports to EMAG's agreed commission.. Committee thanked AP for his hard work. AP to discuss further with his MC colleagues.

3. Leslie Seymour gave a progress report on his investigations into European law, avenues available and worthy of pursuit with regard to EC breaches of directives and possible recourse against the UK regulator. LS to continue to explore.

4. Colin Slater gave a preliminary report on the work commissioned by EMAG and being undertaken by Burgess Hodgson to substantiate the real justifiable claim by ELAS policyholders against the regulator.

5. PB reported on the EMAG press conference, held in London March 26th, and the extensive press coverage, particularly editorially, that it generated. PB congratulated Burgess Hodgson, on behalf of the committee for a superb press presentation. It was acknowledged that we need to raise awareness of Alex Henney's valuable EMAG second submission to Lord Penrose which, because of its complexity, has thus far received less impact than it warrants.

6. Bell-Pottinger's confidential report of activities for March was discussed. Both PB and CS attributed improved effectiveness of the press conference to the contribution made by Bell-Pottinger, whose consulting contract is due for review in mid April. PB was asked to re-negotiate their terms.

7. The forthcoming ELAS AGM on May 28th was discussed. Rodney Allen confirmed that he will stand as an independent candidate. PB reported that he had written to Vanni Treves on March 21st to ask that an alternative propositions on the number of members necessary to call an EGM should be offered on the ballot papers. EMAG will mail all members early in May, post receipt of voting packs, with recommendations. PB to prepare draft contents and BMc to prepare accounts to May.

8. AOB: Gabrielle de Pauw's resignation from the committee was noted. The committee extended a warm "thank you" to Gabrielle for her contributions in the
past year and accept her offer of on-going admin help. Gabrielle has sent out 400 information packs on EMAG's behalf to policyholders who responded to the excellent TV special "The Death of Equitable Life" (a programme that EMAG gave help, advice and participation). The sad death of Bob Widdess, ex chairman of peer policyholder group EPHAG, was noted.

Next meeting: (EMAG committee's 29th): Thursday May 15th, 2003 in the Mall room of RACs Clubhouse, Pall Mall, London at 6.45pm for 7.00pm. Any EMAG member wishing to attend should e-mail in advance to: emagpr@yahoo.com, please.

21st April, 2003